Planning for the Unplanned: Driving the Future of Impulse
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Chris Perry

Digital has fundamentally transformed the way shoppers fulfill their needs and how they purchase products. The digital shelf and the speed of e-commerce fulfillment options pose a unique challenge and opportunity to rethink traditional impulse shopping behavior and the brands that counted on that to build their businesses in-store.

Attendees will:

  • Discover the drivers of change for impulse shopping in an omnichannel marketplace.

  • Learn the evolving definition of an opportunity for the “unplanned purchase.”

  • Explore best-in-class strategies for influencing impulse along the path to purchase with current retailer capabilities, plus the opportunities for influencing impulse for the shoppers of tomorrow through retailer collaboration and capability development.

Location Name
L100 H
Full Address
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
United States
Seminar Track