Verizon Wireless needed a fast and reliable research platform to drive packaging and merchandising decisions. The solution: Virtual Verizon Express. Working with Decision Insight, the partners built a Virtual Verizon store based on a next-gen retail environment. This enabled a fast and efficient solution to test in-store tactics (such as packaging and POS) for wireless phones and accessories. This unique approach cut the testing time by 80% (i.e., days instead of weeks), allowing Verizon to quickly narrow and refine options, expose red flags early in the development cycle and eliminate in-market surprises.
Attendees will:
Discover how the Verizon team created a super-fast, ready-to-use “Express” virtual research platform.
Hear how Verizon avoided internal obstacles in implementing this turnkey system impacting multiple divisions.
Learn about a robust option for “go/no go” decisions.”
Minneapolis, MN
United States