What All Brands Need to Know About the 'New Luxury' Market
Date & Time
Thursday, October 4, 2018, 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Heidi Froseth Kelly Bartell

In this competitive retail landscape, there's one bright spot: the luxury market. Driven by aspirations of middle-market consumers and retail changes making luxury goods more accessible to the masses, we are seeing the democratization of luxury.

In this presentation, you will understand the difference between mass/premium/luxury brands and strategies, as well as the changing definition of “luxury” and insights into the new luxury consumer. Learn how Millennials are impacting the luxury landscape and driving new luxury categories, the "anti-laws" of luxury marketing, seven habits of highly successful new luxury goods, eight trends for the 'new luxury' retail experience, and what this means for your brand.

  Attendees will:
  • Learn whether your company is a mass, premium or luxury brand, and the valuable insights you cannot afford to miss.

  • Look at what Apple already learned, how luxury is the new premium and how the luxury strategy is not limited to the existing luxury market.

  • Explore what it takes to navigate this new paradigm and how to avoid “death in the middle.”

Location Name
M100 I
Full Address
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
United States
Seminar Track