Full Name
Aaron Sihota
Speaker Bio
Aaron Sihota is a Primary Care Pharmacist at the UPCC Vancouver and Clinical Associate Professor at the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. As part of a specialized collaborative pharmacy that focuses in outcome based immunotherapy services, Aaron has worked in collaboration with a group of specialist physicians and nurses to educate, monitor, and optimize patient medication therapy.

Aaron is the co-creator of an advanced Dermatology elective course at the UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences for the E2P Doctor of Pharmacy program. The first offering of its kind in North America explores dermatological conditions from the unique lens of collaborative practice, Faculty include dermatologists as well as rheumatologists and dermatology residents.

He is a chapter author in the Compendium of Therapeutics for Minor Ailments (CTMA) and co-founded the Pharmacy Leaders of Tomorrow (PLoT) platform in 2015.

Aaron has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and has developed multiple accredited dermatology healthcare educational programs, and is regularly called on to participate at forums across North America to explore trends and innovation in specialty care delivery.
Aaron Sihota