Full Name
Christopher Juozaitis
Speaker Bio
Chris Juozaitis is the chief clinician at AdhereRx Inc., and has been co-owner/ pharmacy manager of Howe Sound Pharmacy for 30 years. He tailors workflow and clinical practice solutions to help pharmacy leaders sustainably improve patient outcomes and business results in any community pharmacy setting. With more than 34 years of experience in both the clinical and business sides of retail pharmacy, Chris respectfully collaborates with his fellow pharmacy owners to help them create and sustain their own atmospheres that compassionately and efficiently provide better care and education to both staff and patients.
Chris still sees patients every day as he oversees a state-of-the-art home facility that incorporates a combination of innovative workflow, technology, environmental design and patient-centred communication that deliver superior outcomes in a cost-effective, patient-centred manner. He and his team are constantly improving pharmacy workflow designs, harnessing technology and refining staff training that allow pharmacists to practice at the fullest extent of their scope, concentrating on authentic patient engagement, drug therapy problems and proactive care plans.
Christopher Juozaitis