Bringing Your P2PSummit Learning to Life: From Content to Activation
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Each year at the P2PSummit there are a large number of breakout sessions covering topics in eight different focus tracks. By the end of the event your brain is already working to make sense of everything you just learned. This open forum is structured to be a capstone discussion of the themes you, as the participants, have identified. We will capture the different themes and translate each one into specific behaviors you and your team can take back to your organization the next day. Attendees will:
Discover a clear way to report the learning gained back to your internal team.
Explore specific behaviors you can enact immediately within your company.
Learn a game plan to increase the value of P2PSummit.
Location Name
Nirvana A
Full Address
Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
1551 Thoreau Drive North
Schaumburg, IL 60173
United States
1551 Thoreau Drive North
Schaumburg, IL 60173
United States
Seminar Track