Solutions Experience Gallery Sponsor #1
1801 California Street, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202
(303) 593-1633

Who They Are

Ibotta is a consumer-facing mobile shopping app that has provided millions of dollars in cash back rewards to shoppers on their everyday purchases. For brand and retailer partners, Ibotta is the most efficient way to generate incremental purchases on a pay-per-sale mobile platform.
Ibotta also powers white-labeled load-to-card cash-back programs for large grocery retailers, including Kroger. This works like load-to-card coupons, but instead of discounts cash-back is added to a shopper's account for use on a future trip.

What They Sell

Ibotta partners with the world’s leading brands to generate incremental purchases in a 100% pay-for-performance model. Ibotta is holistically different from legacy coupons in that we are 100% mobile, we deliver brand engagements versus simple margin giveaways, and brands only pay Ibotta when a verified sale occurs. Ibotta collects item-level purchases across all retailers and channels, allowing brands to target based on past purchase, demographic, and consumer poll responses in a way no other tactic can match.
For retailers, Ibotta's white-label cash-back offers are better than digital coupons because rewards are re-invested in that retailer’s stores on a future trip. Positive rewards result in bouncebacks, higher loyalty, and decreased shopper defection.

Why It Matters

Ibotta reaches both new and competitive shoppers by delivering dynamically segmented offers to different audience types.
Ibotta's receipt capture plus loyalty card data from 100+ retailer integrations captures every transaction, providing robust purchase insights.
Ibotta's deterministic purchase data can help you understand if/how top of funnel media is translating to in-store sales.
Click/Collect and E-commerce/M-Commerce are changing the way consumers are shopping, and Ibotta can be a shopper marketing tool to help bridge the online and offline gap.
Cash-back is a clear evolution for load-to-card and the largest retailers are moving this direction because they recognize the benefits of rewards relative to discounts

What You Should Ask Them

  1. How can Ibotta become a holistic marketing partner for my brand?
  2. How can retailers partner with Ibotta and get cash-back offers in their loyalty program?