Transparency Track: Allergies, Diets & The Label: How to Earn the Trust of Cautious Shoppers
Date & Time
Thursday, May 16, 2019, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Knowing what’s in that cereal, peanut butter, or other grocery product has never been more important to shoppers than it is today. This is especially true for millions of American households with severe food allergies or dietary restrictions.

But how do we address label transparency in a way that effectively meets these shoppers' needs and ultimately motivates them to make purchases? In this presentation you’ll learn:  

  • What shopping for severe food allergies and dietary restrictions looks like among real shoppers
  • What label transparency really means to shoppers and how they evaluate a "trustworthy" label
  • The impact of effective vs. ineffective label transparency on shopper behavior
  • What this all means to brands, and what they should do about it