Driving Sales in a Mobile World
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Dave Sommer

Today's mobile-first society has fundamentally shifted consumer behavior. As a result, consumers have more choices than ever before for where to discover and purchase products and services. In this session, Dave Sommer, Director of CPG, Shopper Marketing and E-Commerce at Facebook, will discuss how CPG and retail brands can navigate the disruption and drive business results in the new mobile world.


Attendees will learn:

  • Major consumer media consumption and creative shifts happening in the age of mobile.

  • The challenges and opportunities that CPGs face as a result of mobile-first disruption.

  • How Facebook is helping CPGs take advantage of these consumer shifts to drive business outcomes.

Location Name
Exhibit Hall A, Keynote Theater
Full Address
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, MN
United States