First Name
Last Name
Buch, RDN, LDN
Company Name
Nutrition Connections LLC
Job Title
Founder and Principal Consultant
X Handle (formerly Twitter)
Speaker Bio
Karen, our Healthy Shopper Summit Emcee, is a nationally-recognized nutrition expert with extensive experience in the world of retail dietitians.
As founder and principal consultant at Nutrition Connections LLC, Karen provides strategic counsel and a variety of nutrition communication services to food companies, commodity boards and retail dietitians nationwide. She shares her insights as a speaker at various national symposia, and she is a contributor to national publications and an advisor to various organizations including Progressive Grocer’s Retail Advisory Board. In addition, Karen writes reviews of food and food products for monthly publications.
In an effort to help other RDNs prepare for a retail career-path, Karen helped develop and co-author the Academy’s certificate of training program: Supermarket Business and Industry Skills to Thrive in Retail Dietetics. As a trusted nutrition expert with more than 12 years of experience working in grocery retail, Karen uses multi-media communications to translate nutrition science into practical solutions for consumers.
Connect with her on Twitter @karenbuch, Facebook @NutritionConnectionsLLC, Instagram @karenbuch1, or visit her website and Food News & Reviews blog at