DAY 1 (8 am - ?)
L1: Why Shopper Marketing?
Understand the societal and technological changes that have precipitated the need for a shopper-centric focus in consumer product marketing. 
  • Critical marketplace shifts
  • The Need for "Whole Person" thinking
  • Shopper Marketing's role
Application Exercise and knowledge check point.
L2: Fundamentals of Shopper Marketing
Understand the origin, evolution and business focus of shopper marketing and the basic demands of the discipline.
  • Evolution of shopper marketing and strategic role
  • Scope of activities 
Application exercise
L3: Understanding Shopper Behavior & Engagement
Understand today's technology-enabled shopper and the evolving path to purchase; learn the need to establish a path to purchase framework to drive effective engagement. 
  • Basic elements of shopper behavior
  • The Path to Purcahse Framework
  • Principles of Effective Shopper Engagement
Application exercise: Discuss ways to address business challenges within context of the shopper marketing plan.
L4: Dynamics of Organizational Success
Learn best practices for the development of a shopper-centric organization; learn a framework for developing effective shopper marketing platforms and programs.
  • Organizatoinal fit
  • Necessary skills
  • Platform & program development
Application exercise: Map out tactical playbook.
L5: Introduction to Shopper Insights
Learn perspectives on the development and implementation of true shopper-centric insights. 
  • Consumer vs. shopper insights
  • Key insights focus areas
  • Introduction to insights activation
Application exercise: evalutaion of program objectives and tactical plan. 
L6: Overview of Effective Performance Measurement
Understand common metrics and methodologies for measuring shopper marketing success within the organization and with retail partners. 
  • Defining success
  • Common measurement practices
  • Aligning internally
  • Aligning with retail partners
L7: Basics of Brand/Retailer Collaboration
Gain an understanding of the retailer perspective on shopper marketing; understand the importance of strategic collaboration for unlocking shopper marketing's full potential. 
  • Requirements for collaboration
  • Best-in-class practices for effective organizations
  • Collaboration framework
  • Introduction to joint business planning
L8: Emerging Trends in Shopper Marketing
Learn what is coming next for U.S. retail and the shopper marketing discipline. 
  • Shifting shopper demographics
  • E-commerce and 'anytime/anywhere' shoppers
  • The evolving discipline
Day 2 (?am- ?pm)
L1: Shopper vs. Consumer Behavior
Understand how the increasingly empowered shopper must be considered, understood and engaged strategically throughout the path to purchase. 
  • Understanding consumer vs. shopper behavior
  • Defining shopper behavior 
  • Why understanding shopper behavior is critical. 
L2: 'Shopping' Overview: Who, Why & How
Understand universal shopper motivations and behaviors; the need to identify behavioral variations accross channels, product categories and retailers; key trends driving changes in behavior. 
  • People & trips
  • Why they shop
  • Key path to purchase behavior and tools
L3: Behavior & Tools: What Shoppers Use
Learn about popular shopping activities, content destinations and functional tools shoppers are using to enhance their knowledge and experience. 
  • Common destinations
  • Common tools
  • Retailer-specific considerations
L4: Influencing Shopper Behavior: Strategic Concepts
Learn how the marketing "Moments of Truth" can be used as a framework for planning shopper engagement; Learn the basics for creating an effective engagement strategy. 
  • The Moments of Truth
  • P2P to shopper engagement roadmap
  • Tools Matrix
  • Retailer-specific considerations
L5: Strategies & Principles for Shopper Engagement
Understand six principles of effective engegement that can drive true behavioral change; learn methods for aligning the principles with business objectives. 
  • Core principles of shopper engagement
  • Aligning engagement principles with business objectives. 
L6: Case Studies & Best Practices
Strengthen course learning through a deep dive into best-in-class examples of successful shopper marketing programs.
  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • Case Study 3
  • Common elements of effective programs
L7: Key Trends Overview 
Discuss the major changes in shopper demographic, behavior and expectations that will impact future marketing strategy.
  • Demographics
  • Behaviors
  • Expectations